Budget Spotlights 2025 #1: How Are My Tax Dollars Spent?

The 2025 Mississippi Mills Budget process is underway. This year’s budget theme is focused on ‘Building Foundations for the Future.’
This week, we kick off bi-weekly Budget Spotlights that will run until November, providing insight on how municipal departments operate and the proposed capital projects they are planning for 2025. This first spotlight focuses on how your tax dollars are spent.
Don’t forget to fill out our 2025 Budget Survey, live now until August 31. Fill it out here.
Property taxes are collected on behalf of the Municipality and the school boards. Of your property taxes, approximately 50% funds Lower-tier Municipal services, 34% funds Upper-tier County municipal services and 16% funds the school boards.
The Municipality’s share of taxes pays for municipal services, such as:

For every dollar the Municipality spends:
46% comes from property taxes
5% comes from grants and subsidies
18% comes for rate revenue (water, wastewater and stormwater)
21% comes from user fees
2% comes from reserves
6% comes from other revenues and penalties

The school boards' (educational) share of taxes is directed to:

The Municipality’s capital budget allocations ensure that funds are invested to renew and build infrastructure to support residents in our community now and as we grow. Roads and Public Works projects account for more than half of the capital allocations, followed by Water & Sewer and Recreation & Parks.
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A 1A0
Email: Town@mississippimills.ca
Phone: 613-256-2064
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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